Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår

Bill and Brad wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year as we work together with you, our viewers, to pray for spiritual revival in Denmark. We are American Christians with ancestral roots in Denmark. We are both very much aware of how much our own country is in need of a mighty, sweeping spiritual revival. But, we are attempting to be obedient in following through with what we believe the Lord laid on our hearts almost four years ago, that is, to pray for God’s Spirit to move with power in the ancestral homeland in revival, renewal, evangelism and church planting.

We are grateful for the response we have had and for the many believers in Denmark with whom we have had contact through Bill’s visit and through ongoing correspondence. Please covenant with us in 2009 to continue sharing the prayer vision on behalf the nearly six million Danes, most of whom do not know what it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

The focus of this website is prayer for Denmark. Our ministry is a personal effort and is not related to any mission organization, denomination or church, though both of us are members of strong evangelical churches in California. It appears from the many email messages we have been receiving from Africa and Asia that there is some misunderstanding about the nature of our ministry.
We are certainly not unaware of the Lord’s work in other areas of the world, but God has laid Denmark on our hearts specifically and we are determined to keep our prayer focus there. We have missionary friends around the world. Bill has himself spent some years as a missionary in the Congo and Madagascar in years gone by and appreciates the work being done by faithful pastors and workers in Africa and Asia who have seen this website. We do not solicit funds or disperse funds to any ministries, thus far even those in Denmark, because our mandate from the Lord is specifically to focus on prayer for our ancestral homeland. We support through prayer the efforts of all Bible-believing evangelicals in Denmark.

Please join with us throughout 2009 in concerted prayer and intercession for Denmark and for the evangelical pastors and people working tirelessly to bring the Gospel to bear on Danish life and culture. May the Lord Jesus Christ be honored and glorified as we work together with you in this prayer ministry.

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