may not hear his name mentioned at next year’s Academy Awards. But a young
Danish actor is using his talent and humor in a way that is reaping more
lasting rewards than any golden trophy.

one show, Jødal is the apostle Peter, demonstrating what it’s like to struggle
as a flawed follower of Jesus. In another, he’s the good Samaritan (and the
Samaritan’s donkey). He’s Moses, the prodigal son, or Daniel. He makes his
audiences laugh. But before the laughter trails away, he also makes them think.
it’s not just Bible-based shows, either. Jødal and his crew are leading Easter and
drama workshops, musicals, even worship opportunities for teens. He’s
challenging young people (as well as adults) by pulling them into the stories --
and the truth -- of the Bible.

PRAY for Jens Jødal and his ministry, that many
young people and their families will be introduced to the truth of the Bible
through drama.
PRAY that God would enlarge this ministry and
open new doors into new venues where the unchurched will hear the gospel.
PRAY that God would draw even the entertainers and
actors closer to himself through this entertainment, for changed lives and
revival in Denmark.
Thank you very much for this! I haven't known about this article before now (february 2015) where I was made aware of it. And I am very happy for your empathy!
The Church Theatre is hopefully bringing the gospel to a lot of children and youngsters - and their grown ups... With Gods help. :)
Jens Jødal
Thank you very much for this! I haven't known about this article before now (february 2015) where I was made aware of it. And I am very happy for your empathy!
The Church Theatre is hopefully bringing the gospel to a lot of children and youngsters - and their grown ups... With Gods help. :)
Jens Jødal
Mange tak, Jens! Thank you for what you do, for your ministry. We've been praying for you...
--Robert Elmer, editor
Pray for Denmark
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