Sunday, June 23, 2019

In Randers, 1+1=1

Most Danish churches are small, typically with 100 worshippers or less. But now two free churches in Randers, Denmark’s sixth largest city, have joined forces to form a church with some 400 members -- plus many children. The possibilities for an even larger witness and more opportunities to serve the community have everyone excited.

“Here in the Pentecostal Church,” said Pastor Rune von Weydenberg Kærlet, “we’re very glad that on June 4 an overwhelming majority voted to become a part of the Free Church.”

The move brings together two established fellowships: the Evangelical Free Church in Randers was established in 1888, while the Pentecostals have been in that city since 1926. As they’ve grown, the Free Church has met in a variety of smaller venues, from a hotel to a fitness center and a former car dealership. Now the challenge will be to find a place where everyone can worship together.

Pastor Kent (left) and Pastor Rune
“We’re moving ahead quickly to find a facility that can handle 400 members, and many more” said Kent Jacobsen, who has served as pastor of the Free Church, and who will now lead the combined fellowship. “But we don’t know yet if it will mean rebuilding, building from scratch, or finding a new building.”

The new location will also need to accommodate a wide spectrum of mid-week and community outreach activities, including children’s church, youth outreach, a café for seniors, a language center for immigrants, and much more.

Jacobsen said the move will position them for even more exciting ministry together than they could have accomplished alone.

“We believe that God loves everyone,” he said, “and that we’re placed in this world to share his love. So we’re taking responsibility for our city, that our church will be an open and comprehensive resource for everyone in Randers.

“We’re not a church that’s placed in this world to serve our own 400 members. Our 400 members are a resource for and in Randers.”

GIVE THANKS for the vision and excitement in this combined new, outward-focused church.

PRAY that they will find (or build) just the right facility where they can worship, serve, and grow.

PRAY for the ongoing ministries, especially to young people and immigrants, that God would draw many people to himself.

PRAY for wisdom and unity, that leaders from both of the former churches would learn to serve together in love. Pray especially for Pastor Kent and Pastor Rune.

PRAY for unity among the new congregation, that they would also grow together in love. As Jesus prayed (John 17:21), that they would be one.

PRAY for the people of Randers, that many would see the love of Christ in this new church, and be drawn to the Lord as a result. Pray for even more growth among the unchurched.

PRAY for spiritual awakening in Randers, and that God would use this exciting new church in many new ways.

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