Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Bible students are back!

After 10 and a half weeks, students are returning to Børkop Højskole, a Bible training college in southest Jylland.  (See more about the school in Pray for Denmark, February 2017.) And for the young students there, this return from the COVID-19 lockdown couldn’t come a day too soon.

“The everyday isn’t completely the same,” reads an email from the school. “There’s more hand sanitizer, more distancing, and more cleaning. But overall we have the opportunity to resume Bible training, fellowship, and everything else that makes Bible college special.”

Even so, instructors at the Bible college will be challenged to adapt their classes and activities, keeping things safe while inspiring young Bible students to grow in their faith and reach out during a time of recovery in Denmark.

So it’s a challenging time, but also an exciting, fresh opportunity for God to work in young hearts at a wonderful school.

PRAY for the students at Børkop, that they will see God’s hand in their lives, that they will take a closer look at their faith, and that they would follow Jesus as never before.

PRAY that God would draw many undecided students to attend the school, as well.

PRAY for the professors at Børkop, that they would find new and creative ways to pass along Biblical truth in the midst of a changed world.

PRAY for revival at Børkop Højskole, that this community would be a shining light for Christ, and that they would bring this faith home with them wherever they go.

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