Saturday, October 30, 2004

Dansk Europamission

Dansk Europamission is a missions organization that cuts across Danish denominational lines. Its mission is "to enable God's church to fulfill the Great Commission given by Christ and to show and promote solidarity with the suffering church worldwide." The primary thrust of its work is assisting churches and Christian organizations in Eastern Europe and most former Soviet states with projects in relief and development, Bible and literature translation and distribution, media mission, and evangelism and leadership training. The mission works in similar projects in the Muslim world and places a high premium on assistance to persecuted Christians and the defense of religious freedom. The General Secretary of Dansk Europamission is Henrik Ertner Rasmussen. For further information, visit the Dansk Europamission website:

PRAY that Dansk Europamission and General Secretary Rasmussen will have the continuing support and involvement of Danish pastors and churches.

PRAY that believers in the various Danish churches and denominations will be roused to face the reality that fellow-believers in the two-thirds world are suffering or even being persecuted, some to the point of being martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ.

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