Friday, April 14, 2006

Celebrating the Risen Christ in Denmark

Regular church attendance by the majority of people in Denmark, as in all of increasingly secular Europe, is infrequent or even non-existent. Figures vary, but it has been estimated that on an average Sunday church attendance involves only five to eight percent of the Danish population. Church attendance is at its peak at Christmastime, though many Danes will also be attending Easter services this coming Sunday whether in the Dansk Folkekirke (Danish Lutheran State Church) or in the various free churches. Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are statutory holidays in the country. The scepticism induced by secularism tends to drown out the religious and spiritual significance of Resurrection Sunday. But, in spiritually alive, gospel-believing churches of all denominations Easter will again be celebrated in a festive manner. Great Easter music will be played, traditional Easter hymns will be sung, Scripture tests pertaining to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead will be read, and believing pastors will earnestly preach from them on the truth of the resurrection and its implications for Christian living. The most glorious aspect of this festive day would be if many Danes were to come to personal faith and trust in the Risen Christ and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Savior.

PRAY that the churches in Denmark will be filled to overflowing on Easter Sunday and that God Himself will by His Spirit preside over all that is said and done in every church and in every worship service.

PRAY that the truth of the Word of God made clear by the ministry and power of the Holy Spirit may overrule and transform forms and liturgies so that those attending worship services this East Sunday will truly understand that Christ is risen and that He has an undeniable claim on their lives.

that many seekers, tired of the spiritual vacuum in their lives, will on this Easter Sunday be attracted to live churches where the service format, music, and biblical preaching will point them to the need for personal faith in and commitment to the Crucified and Risen Christ who alone has the power to save and to give eternal life.

PRAY that Her Majesty, Queen Margrethe II, whose birthday this year will be celebrated on Easter Sunday, will effectively model Christian commitment and lifestyle for her people and nation.

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