Monday, October 26, 2009

God is up to something in Copenhagen

I have recently had some delightful correspondence with Kasper Thorskov Hansen, an intern at Copenhagen’s Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Kasper shared with me some aspects of his own journey as a believer from being raised in a Christian home, to a period of wandering, to a crisis experience in New Zealand when he almost lost his life in strong and powerful river currents, to his restoration to Christian fellowship at Grace Vineyard in Christchurch, to his felt call to Christian leadership during the course of a unique six-week Capernwray Adventure Bible School in New Zealand, to his return to Denmark where he became involved at Copenhagen Vineyard as a small group and prayer group leader and in other outreach and church activities culminating in his selection as an intern. Kasper has not lost sight of his call to ministry and leadership. His fellow interns are Anne Walsøe, Samuel Larsen, and Michael Hald Jacobsen.

As an intern, Kasper reports that his responsibilities center in outreach. Copenhagen Vineyard, whose lead pastor is our good friend Flemming Mølhede, is growing in numbers and effectiveness. Kasper reports that its pastors are part of a new monthly prayer meeting composed of pastors of different churches and diverse backgrounds, “but with the same fire for God’s kingdom work.” Its purpose is to focus on the almost overwhelming spiritual and unmet social needs of metropolitan Copenhagen. As Kasper puts it, and I agree wholeheartedly, “Wow, God is up to something!”

Since it was planted in 1997, Copenhagen Vineyard has taken the church out into the community, branching out into several social- and evangelistic outreach ministries. Kasper informs us of a new outreach involving 28 women of the congregation working in conjunction with Reden (The Nest) International. This organization works in several Danish cities to combat the trafficking of women from other countries who have been brought to Denmark and forced to work as prostitutes. It offers counseling, medical help, a place to live and other needed helps. Though most of the website is in Danish, there is a summary available in English at

Kasper writes that Vineyard is dreaming of even further growth of its outreach ministries into Greater Copenhagen. The church is now in process of starting up a ministry on behalf of single mothers, offering them practical in-home aid and other elements anticipated as the ministry gets off the ground.

PRAY that the Holy Spirit will come in power to bring about unity of heart, mind and purpose through the recently convened monthly prayer meetings of Copenhagen pastors deeply burdened for the spiritual and social needs of the metropolitan area.

PRAY that Pastor Flemming Mølhede and his leadership team, including staff members and interns, will experience unity and the Spirit’s guidance in all areas of the church’s life and outreach ministries.

PRAY that Copenhagen Vineyard’s participation in the work of Reden International will bring salvation, healing, deliverance and a new direction in life to women from other countries that have been forced by criminal elements into a life of prostitution in Denmark.

PRAY that God will give great vision, wisdom and creative direction to Copenhagen Vineyard as it starts up a new work on behalf of single mothers.
PRAY for Copenhagen Vineyard’s interns—Kasper Thorskov Hansen, Anne Walsøe (with Reden International), Samuel Larsen, and Michael Hald Jacobsen—that each of them will “be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17) in service for Christ wherever and however God leads.

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