Saturday, July 09, 2011

Reformation Resurrection Conference

Cameron Buettel asks the readers of this blog to be informed and to pray about a forthcoming Reformation Resurrection summer conference/family camp to be held in Mariager, Denmark beginning Tuesday, July 26 and continuing through Friday, July 29.

The conference keynote speaker will be Dr. Voddie Baucham, reputed to be one of the best reformed preachers from the United States. He will be coming to Denmark to teach in expository style through the Epistle to the Ephesians. His emphasis will be on why we should trust the Bible, and will call believers to stand against the Danish culture and to follow God's call on men to lead and disciple their families. Dr Baucham is an apologist for the Christian faith who argues powerfully against atheists, evolutionists, and academics for the authority of the Bible. He is also a strong defender of biblical manhood and womanhood and will be arguing strongly against feminist views prevalent in most Danish churches and denominations..

Much is said these days about "new reformations" offering new solutions to old and new problems. But the fact is we face the same problem today as in Reformation times 500 years ago, namely, that the pulpits of Europe have for the most part watered down or abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The rallying cry of the conference's sponsoring network, Tilbage til Bibelen (Back to the Scriptures), underscores the same solution the Reformers risked their lives to proclaim centuries ago--that sinful men can be justified before a Holy God by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone as faithfully proclaimed in God's Word alone, and to God's glory alone.

There is truth in Cameron’s perspective that the reformation isn't over--it just needs new life breathed into timeless truth. The Reformation Resurrection summer conference is devoted to the furtherance of the truth by men and women who are not ashamed of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, that the Bible declares is “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans. 1:16, KJV)

The conference will meet in north Jutland at Skroedstrup Boarding School, Skroedstrupvej 26, Mariager. Details about the conference are available on the Internet at

While the conference message is certain to go against the grain of majority religious views in Denmark and the Danish culture as a whole, the Reformation Resurrection Conference offers an opportunity to hear Reformed teaching that has seldom been heard in Denmark for many years.

PRAY that the presence of the Spirit of God will be manifest during the four-day conference and that every aspect of the gathering will proceed in a wise and orderly fashion.

PRAY that the speaker's ministry will have the anointing of the Spirit and that the question-and-answer period will be a time of serious reflection about the future of Gospel ministry in Denmark.

PRAY that those who should attend the conference will do so and that each attendee would carefully consider Dr. Baucham's teaching and benefit from it.

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